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NextGen Prophets Podcast 2.0

Mar 31, 2022

When you speak in tongues in your personal life, it nourishes your spirit. But, when there's an utterance in a Christian meeting, its interpretation blesses the whole group. Discover your major role as a prophet to bring unity and direction through the gift of interpretation. By the end of this episode, you...

Mar 30, 2022

Your prophetic word wasn't rejected because it wasn't anointed. If you shared the word at the wrong time, the person wasn't mentally prepared. If you got lost in the emotions, they couldn't understand you. When you didn't say it straight, the point didn't land. Your anointing isn't the problem! Upgrade your...

Mar 29, 2022

Separate what you feel in the spirit from your own emotions. That sudden burst of anger you felt, was a spirit of strife. That weight in your spirit is someone who needs a touch from Jesus. That light-headed feeling means you're sensing a demon. You aren't bipolar, you're a prophet! This is a gift, not a...

Mar 24, 2022

The easiest thing in the world is to love Jesus and know that He loves you. Look at Him, believe, and raise your voice in worship. Hear Him say your name and explain the depth of His love for you. Wake up dressed in confidence when He says "good morning". This episode will position you to encounter the Lord...

Mar 23, 2022

Set your eyes on God's reality. Take a break from the emotions you're feeling in the spirit. Let go of the worry. Drop the circumstances for a moment. See Jesus in front of you. Now worship with Him. Let his reality become your reality. His peace... your peace. Feel His confidence rest in your heart. Now it's time...